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- Mother Lode
- by Joe Rumsey
- This game is based on an old game with a similar name. Those of you
- who have played that game will find it very familiar. You may skip the
- Rules section if you wish. If you haven't played before, please read
- everything. Everyone should read the Shareware Information section, which
- also tells you how to get the level editor.
- Rules:
- ------
- The object of Mother Lode is to collect all the chests(yellow boxes) on
- each level, and then make it to the top of the screen. There are ladders to
- climb, ropes you can pull yourself across gaps by, and various types of
- floor. The most common type of ground looks like blue bricks. You can dig
- through this type, and this type only. More on digging later. The second
- type is more solid, and looks like one solid brick instead of many smaller
- ones. This type can not be dug through. The last type looks just like
- ordinary bricks, but is actually a trap! If you try to stand on one of
- these, you will fall through to whatever is below. Note that on some
- levels, you may actually NEED to use one of these traps at some point. Also
- note that if there is a ladder directly on top of a trap, you will be able
- to stand there, but you will also be able to climb down into the trap(but
- not back up!) You may have to experiment to find these traps. Watch the
- robots for clues!
- Digging: To help you accomplish your goal, you have been given a
- microwave shovel capable of digging through any normal bricks. It has an
- unlimited power supply, but it's effects are not permanent. You may dig
- into any ordinary set of bricks, as long as the space above is not
- obstructed by anything, including robots! The direction you will dig is the
- last direction travelled before pressing the button. (Two button joysticks
- ARE supported. see below) You will always dig one square to the left or
- right of your current position. It is possible to dig while standing on solid
- ground, on a ladder, or hanging from a rope. Note that a rope above a
- square does count as an obstruction, and you will not be able to dig there.
- If a robot is stuck in a hole, you may safely step on its head. Be
- careful though, if it's been in there too long, it may climb out and kill you.
- After a certain interval, any bricks which have been dug out will begin to
- fill in. If anyone or anything happens to be caught in the middle of this,
- it will die. You may move freely in the holes dug this way, including
- digging farther down. However, if a robot falls into one of these holes it
- will become stuck. Eventually, it will manage to free itself, unless the
- square fills in first. In that case, the robot will be crushed, and a
- replacement will appear somewhere near the top of the screen.
- Robots: On each level, there will be several robots guarding the
- chests. While not particularly bright, they are persistent, and cause
- instant death if touched. You may dispose of a robot by trapping it in a
- hole you have dug, but another will soon be along to replace it. New
- robots can be seen transporting in near the top of the screen. During
- the transport period, it is safe to touch, but as soon as it is fully
- present, it is as lethal as its predecessor.
- You may fall any distance safely, onto any sort of surface(except a
- robot, of course). For every level completed, you will earn a bonus which
- depends on the number of robots on the level. You will also receive an
- extra man. Every level included with this game has at least one robot, and
- no level will ever have more than six, although I haven't even included any
- with that many. Sometimes the level itself is more of a problem than those
- pesky 'bots, sometimes it's the other way around.
- One last thing: after you have collected all the chests on a level, new
- ladders will usually appear. These are to aid you in getting to the top,
- and sometimes may be neccessary to win. For example, a chest could be in a
- pit with no apparent way out, but if you collect that chest last, a ladder
- will appear to let you out. Also remember that a ladder that helps you
- might also help a robot get to you. Be careful.
- Controls:
- ---------
- At the beginning of the game, several options can be set from the
- pull-down menus:
- Level -- choose the starting level. This can be anywhere from 1 to 999.
- There are 50 levels included with the game, but you may add more later. While
- playing the game, you can change the level by pressing ctrl-N for next, or
- ctrl-P for previous. However, if you have any points, this will forfeit
- your chance at a high score. You may start at any level and still get a
- high score, though.
- Joystick -- One or Two buttons. If you have a two button joystick, USE
- IT! it makes things much easier, as you don't have to keep turning around
- to dig. The way it works is: button 1 digs to your left, and button 2 digs
- to your right. Sega type joysticks are set up properly to work as two
- button sticks. For technical types, the second button is wired to pin 9.
- Instead of choosing this option from the menu, you can also click button 2
- to start the game.(after all, people with one button sticks can't press the
- second button.) From within the game, ctrl-J switches the mode.
- Sound -- Turns the sound on and off. Use ctrl-S inside the game.
- Quit -- Adios muchachos.
- You can also view the high scores and an 'About' message from the menus.
- Key commands used while playing:
- ctrl-S -- toggle sound
- ctrl-J -- switch joystick mode.
- ctrl-V -- Slow the game down, for fast computers(or slow people :-)
- ctrl-Q -- back to title screen(or quit entirely if on the title screen)
- ctrl-A -- Abort this life, in case you fall and can't get up.(get stuck,
- that is)
- Cheat keys: (Use as much as you want, but you won't be allowed to record a
- high score. Exception: ctrl-N and ctrl-P may be used freely
- before you've gotten any points.)
- Ctrl-N -- Next Level
- Ctrl-P -- Previous Level
- Ctrl-X -- eXtra man.
- Joystick:
- ---------
- Fire=Dig Climb Ladder
- |
- |
- Run Left ---- o ---- Run Right
- |
- |
- Descend Ladder/Drop from rope
- Shareware info:
- ---------------
- This game may be distributed freely, provided all files are left intact,
- and no profit is made from said distribution. A reasonable fee for disk
- copying and shipping may be charged. If you enjoy this game, please send a
- contribution to the author. In exchange for $15, you will receive a level
- editor which will allow you to create levels just like the ones found with
- the game. (after all, it's the same editor >I< use to make them!)
- Alternatively, send me $10 with a blank disk and a SASE and I will send you
- the editor. Feel free to load up that disk with goodies, too!(only legal
- stuff, please)
- In an effort to ensure the quality of my games, I will give away a copy
- of the editor to anyone who reports a major bug, if I can duplicate that bug.
- I hope there aren't any, but it's well worth it if it gets people to tell
- me about them. (A major bug would be, for example, starting World War III.
- Crashing the computer also qualifies.)
- If you don't like the game, feel free to tell me that as well. I'm
- always open to suggestions.
- The address to write to:
- Joe Rumsey
- 265 W. Big Springs Rd. Apt. L
- Riverside, CA 92507
- E-mail can be sent to me on GEnie as J.RUMSEY
- Other things available:
- ----- ------ ----------
- Crazy Pipes -- A strategy game requiring some reflexes. Build pipe to keep
- the water from spilling.
- Bomb Squad -- Find the bombs, without blowing 'em up. Pure strategy, no
- coordination required.
- WallPaper -- Use any IFF image as the background for your Workbench
- window. Works under 2.0 ONLY!
- If you buy the editor I'll send all that good stuff along with it, plus
- whatever else I have lying around.